Nigel Kennedy: J.S. Bach – Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott | St. Matthew Passion (Gewandhausorchester)

Summer Night Music 2002 — Spirits of Music
Open air at the Marktplatz Leipzig, Germany

Nigel Kennedy — violin
Uwe Kleinsorge — oboe
Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig

J.S. Bach – Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott from the St. Matthew Passion

Watch the full program:

Spirits of Music is an unusual musical journey through the centuries, with stops on all continents. Inspired by their creators different faiths, the works on the program have a strong religious background and are moving examples of the emotional power and effect of music. Internationally renowned soloists and ensembles as Bobby McFerrin (a ten-time Grammy Award winner, he is one of the world’s best-known vocal innovators and improvisers, a worldrenowned classical conductor), Nigel Kennedy (one of the world’s leading violin virtuosos), Sibylla Rubens (has emerged as one of the most compelling lyric sopranos of her day) or the Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig will perform popular works from the European music tradition, encompassing Bach, Mozart and Verdi. Many magnificent examples of religious music come from artists as Kroke (playing and composing with the realm of authentic Jewish music), the Kuumba Singers (dedicated to the expression of black creativity and spirituality through song), Mari Boine (one of the most impressive folk artists of contemporary time), the Bulgarian Voices Angelite (24 women whose hypnotic chant circles the globe), Vocal Sampling (a Cuban six-man a cappella group which has been described as one of the wonders of the musical world) and the the Ensemble Al-Kindi (is currently rated among the best formations devoted to classical Arab music). With the inclusion of world music, the program will achieve a highly suspenseful juxtaposition of European and non-European music.

Nathalie Stutzmann - Recording Bach aria "Erbarme dich"

Watch Nathalie Stutzmann and Orfeo 55 recording Bach aria «Erbarme dich» at Metz Arsenal. This piece features in their album «Une cantate imaginaire» released in 2012. Video by OFF TV.

For more information on this album, please see:

Website of Nathalie Stutzmann:

Facebook page of Nathalie Stutzmann:

Website of Orfeo 55:

J.S. Bach: French Suites

This album contains the French Suites by J.S. Bach, presented by Piano Classics, a label of Brilliant Classics.

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“China’s premier interpreter of Bach”, is what International Piano Magazine called Yuan Sheng. A pupil of Solomon Mikowsky (Manhattan School of Music) and notably Rosalyn Tureck, Yuan Sheng extensively studied the performance practice of Baroque music. Equally at home at the harpsichord he has an instinctive feeling for the possibilities, sonorities and touch of the instrument at hand, so that “the listener might easily have imagined the composer at the keyboard” (Boston Intelligencer).

The title is misleading: the English Suites are more ‘French’ in character than the French Suites, which are more characteristic of the Italian style. ‘By design the composer is here less learned than in his other suites,’ remarked one early biographer, ‘and has mostly used a pleasing, more predominant melody.’ Just so, and the same is true of the pair of suites BWV 818 and 819 which fall outside the collection but belong with it in terms of style. To all of them Yuan Sheng brings considered tempi and precise articulation in the mould of Tureck. To Bach at his most uncomplicated, Sheng brings the virtues of simplicity and clarity.

Again Yuan Sheng draws the listener into his highly intelligent musical discourse, vibrant and moving, speaking through the medium of a modern Steinway piano.

Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Artist: Yuan Sheng (piano)

Brilliant Classics:


French Suite No. 1 in D Minor, BWV 812:
0:00:00 I. Allemande
0:04:05 II. Courante
0:06:17 III. Sarabande
0:09:43 IV. Menuet I

Солнечный ноябрь - все серии. Мелодрама (2019)

Главные герои картины – брат и сестра Нина и Кирилл Петровские из благополучной обеспеченной семьи, в которой царят любовь и взаимопонимание. Молодые люди очень близки, их отношения наполнены нежностью и юмором. Кирилл – лучший ученик гимназии, он хорошо рисует, популярен среди сверстников и особенно среди сверстниц. Нина же не хватает звезд с неба – она прилежная ученица, добра, мила, обаятельна, но и только.

На глазах у зрителей главная героиня из неуверенной в себе, пассивной и не слишком удачливой девочки превратится в сильную деятельную личность, энергия которой объединяет и примиряет совершенно разных людей. Пройдя через серьезные испытания, потеряв и вновь обретя любовь своей жизни, победив страшную болезнь, Нина становится источником надежды и света не только для своей семьи и друзей, но и для всех тех, кто нуждается в ее помощи и поддержке.

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Недавнишний фильм 2019 важно посмотреть! РОДНАЯ КРОВЬ Русские мелодрамы 2018 новинки, фильмы 1080 HD

Недавнишний фильм 2019 важно посмотреть! РОДНАЯ КРОВЬ Русские мелодрамы 2018 новинки, фильмы 1080 HD

Вероника забеременела в 17 лет. Ухажер, испугавшись беременности, бросил ее. Роды были тяжелыми, ребенок родился недоношенным. Мать убедила Веронику, что ему будет лучше в обеспеченной семье. В 29 лет Вероника узнала, что ее ребенка отдали в детдом на воспитание. Вероника находит и усыновляет собственного сына, не говоря, что она его родная мать.

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THE STOLEN PRINCESS | Official trailer #1

Watch the first official trailer for Ukrainian animated feature film The Stolen Princess, coming soon to theaters!
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This wonderful story happened in the age of valiant knights, beautiful princesses, and battling sorcerers. Ruslan, a wandering artist dreaming to become a knight, met beautiful Mila and fell in love with her; he didn’t even suspect that she is the King’s daughter. However, the lovers’ happiness wasn’t meant to last too long. Chоrnomor, the evil sorcerer, appeared in a magic vortex and stole Mila right before Ruslan’s eyes to transform her power of love into his own magic power. Without further ado, Ruslan sets out on a chase after the stolen princess to overcome all obstacles and to prove that real love is stronger than magic.

The Stolen Princess is the first animated feature film produced by Ukraine-based Animagrad (FILM.UA Group). The heroes and themes elaborated in the story will appeal to adults and children worldwide.

Genre: fantasy, love story, comedy.
Production: Animagrad (FILM.UA Group).
Coming to theaters: 2018.
Supported by Ukrainian State Film Agency.

Director: Oleg Malamuzh
Script: Yaroslav Voytseshek
Script Consultant: Andrew Hilton (Screenplay Mechanic)
Composer: Dario Vero
Producer: Egor Olesov