1. 0:06 Op. 9, No. 1 in B flat minor. Larghetto
2. 5:53 Op. 9, No. 2 in E flat major. Andante
3. 10:29 Op. 9, No. 3 in B major. Allegretto
4. 17:09 Op. 15, No. 1 in F major. Andante cantabile
5. 22:07 Op. 15, No. 2 in F sharp major. Larghetto
6. 25:43 Op. 15, No. 3 in G minor. Lento
7. 30:53 Op. 27, No. 1 in C sharp minor. Larghetto
8. 36:32 Op. 27, No. 2 in D flat major. Lento sostenuto
9. 42:27 Op. 32, No. 1 in B major. Andante sostenuto
10. 47:27 Op. 32, No. 2 in A flat major. Lento
11. 53:01 Op. 37, No. 1 in G minor. Lento
12. 59:51 Op. 37, No. 2 in G major. Andante
13. 1:06:17 Op. 48, No. 1 in C minor. Lento
14. 1:12:25 Op. 48, No. 2 in F sharp minor. Andantino
15. 1:20:11 Op. 55, No. 1 in F minor. Andante
16. 1:25:36 Op. 55, No. 2 in E flat major. Lento sostenuto
17. 1:31:19 Op. 62, No. 1 in B major. Andante
18. 1:38:51 Op. 62, No. 2 in E major. Lento
19. 1:45:11 Op. 72, No. 1 in E minor. Andante
20. 1:49:19 Op. posth in C sharp minor. Lento con gran espressione
21. 1:53:18 Op. posth in C minor. Andante sostenuto
Norah Jones Greatest Full Album 2020 — Norah Jones Best Songs Collection
Norah Jones Greatest Full Album 2020 — Norah Jones Best Songs Collection youtu.be/ltt-T5IRFaw
Composer: Franz Schubert
Artists: Alberto Miodini (piano)
When we look past the extended meditations of the sonatas into the rest of Schubert’s piano music, we tend hardly to see beyond the Wanderer Fantasy and the Impromptus. This undervalues the composer’s contribution to the work for his instrument, as the Italian pianist Alberto Miodini reveals on an extensive exploration of the sometimes slighter and lighter but often just shorter works he composed through his all-too-short career. Perhaps the late Klavierstücke D946 are best known, and justly so, for their profound and ruminative contemplation, and Miodini’s fellow-countryman Paolo Bordoni did sterling work for the Waltzes in 1970s recordings that stand the test of time, but there are still tantalising fragments that are no less worth hearing for their frustratingly unfinished status – the ‘Unfinished’ Symphony was by no means the only musical project that Schubert filed in his creative bottom drawer, so fecund was his compositional imagination that he could hardly get the ideas out fast enough. As noted by Alfred Brendel, Schubert chose to interrupt a composition ‘when it was unsatisfying or no longer interesting’ – evidence of the composer’s vigorous pursuit of his own individual Sonata style. Among the complete works here are equally little-known variation sets on melodies by Hüttenbrenner and Diabelli – works full of characteristically Schubertian energy and motive power.
You can find the tracklist in the comments:
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And visit our channel for the best classical music from the greatest composers like: Bach, Satie, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Chopin, Haydn, Ravel, Debussy, Verdi, Vivaldi, Handel, Brahms, Liszt, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, Wagner, Strauss, Handel, Dvorak, Schubert and many more! We upload complete albums, music for relaxing, working, studying, meditating, concentrating, instrumental music, opera, violin, classical piano music, sonatas and more!
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Instrumental music channel with the best of classical music for your enjoyment. Classical music with the best of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Villa Lobos, Grieg, Debussy and other composers,
Enjoy these beautiful songs of piano, violin, cello, guitar and orchestra to study, relax, meditate, calm down, work…
Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов (20 марта [1 апреля] 1873, Семёново, Новгородская губерния — 28 марта 1943, Беверли-Хиллз, США) — русский композитор, пианист, дирижёр. Синтезировал в своём творчестве принципы петербургской и московской композиторских школ (а также традиции западноевропейской музыки) и создал свой оригинальный стиль.
Творческий облик Рахманинова-композитора часто определяют словами «самый русский композитор». В этой краткой и неполной характеристике выражены как объективные качества стиля Рахманинова, так и место его наследия в исторической перспективе мировой музыки. Именно творчество Рахманинова выступило тем синтезирующим знаменателем, который объединил и сплавил творческие принципы московской (П.Чайковский) и петербургской композиторских школ в единый и цельный русский стиль.
Все великие композиторы и гении классической музыки на одном канале: Шопен, Моцарт, Шуберт, Мусоргский, Бах, Чайковский, Вивальди, Бетховен, Дебюсси и многие другие!
Лучшее из Рахманинова
01.Piano Concerto No. 2 in C min (00:00)
02.Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14 (11:13)
03.Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (18:10)
04.Symphony No. 2 in E minor (26:30)
05.Prelude in C sharp minor (39:13)
06.Prelude in G minor (43:59)
07.Symphonic Dances — Andante Con Moto (48:04)
08.Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor (57:30)
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