The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell Ambience

Sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds of Rivendell, the last homely house east of the sea. I added movement to the closest of the waterfalls, as well as to the smoke coming from the chimney. I used a real video of the moon and blended it into the scene to make the moonlight as realistic as possible. No copyright intended. All content belongs to its respective owners. Be sure to select the 4K option for the best experience!

Be sure to check out my other LOTR inspired videos.

Music is from the original Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Howard Shore.

The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell Ambience

Sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds of Rivendell, the last homely house east of the sea. I added movement to the closest of the waterfalls, as well as to the smoke coming from the chimney. I used a real video of the moon and blended it into the scene to make the moonlight as realistic as possible. No copyright intended. All content belongs to its respective owners. Be sure to select the 4K option for the best experience!

Be sure to check out my other LOTR inspired videos.

Music is from the original Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Howard Shore.

Celtic Forest Music – The Force Of Nature | Adrian von Ziegler (1 hour)

Кельтская Лесная Музыка — Сила Природы | Адриан фон Циглер (1 час)

Музыка Адриана фон Циглера:

Фото Сандары:

Outro: дух природы от Ean Grimm

На этом канале фэнтезийной музыки вы можете найти кельтскую музыку, музыку викингов, средневековую музыку, народную музыку, эпическую музыку и традиционную музыку. Я также загружаю музыкальные сборники, которые включают ирландскую музыку и шотландскую музыку. Этот вид фэнтезийной музыки иногда называют языческой музыкой. Эта терминология также охватывает славянскую музыку, германскую музыку и военные барабаны. Вы также можете найти расслабляющую кельтскую музыку.

Видео: © Ean Grimm — канал YouTube:
Не копируйте и не загружайте повторно это видео, поскольку музыка, изображения и видеозаписи могут быть защищены авторским правом. Это видео только для просмотра. Копирование любой части этого видео может привести к большому беспорядку претензий по авторскому праву.

Подпишитесь на мой расслабляющий музыкальный канал:

Наслаждайтесь песнями,
Ean Grimm

Кельтская Лесная Музыка — Сила Природы | Адриан фон Циглер (1 час)

Relaxing The Elder Scrolls Music

For study or sleeping, drawing and relaxing, Enjoy!
If you like it check out my other Relaxing-Music-Playlists!

This playlist is specially for Jaina Solo. Hope you like it :D

Game: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Developer: Bethesda Game Studio
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

Music By: Jeremy Soul


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

0:00 — Introduction
0:59 — The Prophecy Fulfilled
2:11 — Peacful Waters
5:17 — Shed Your Travails
8:30 — Blessing of Vivec

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

11:46 — Watchmans Ease
13:50 — Alls Well
16:16 — Glory Of Cyrodill
18:44 — Harvest Dawn
21:35 — Sunrise Of Flutes
24:30 — Auriels Ascension
27:35 — King And Country
31:37 — Peace Of Akatosh
35:45 — Minstrels Lament

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

40:24 — Awake
41:53 — Secunda
43:55 — Solitude
46:04 — Dragonsreach
48:22 — The Bannered Mare
50:47 — Silent Footsteps
53:36 — Out Of The Cold
56:34 — A Chance Meeting
59:43 — A Winters Tale
1:03:01 — Under An Ancient Sun
1:06:35 — Ancient Stones
1:11:14 — The City Gates
1:14:57 — Tundra
1:18:40 — Distant Horizons
1:22:29 — Sky Above, Voice Within
1:26:23 — Dawn
1:30:15 — Journeys End
1:34:21 — From Past To Present
1:39:19 — Far Horizons
1:44:44 — Masser


Lord of the Rings Music

I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!

Disclaimer #1: Please know that I do not place any of the adds on my videos. Since I use copyright protected music, YouTube has demonetized my channel. Ads are placed by YouTube automatically to generate revenue for the license holders of the music. My channel is best enjoyed with YouTube Premium!
Disclaimer #2: While I appreciate requests for future videos, please realize that my Patreon community and supporters are who I look to first to find out what content is best for my channel.

Armenian Duduk, THE CRY OF ARMENIAN DUDUK, Oriental Music, Memories of Caucasus, Saulius Petreikis