
Our Planet | High Seas | FULL EPISODE | Netflix

Experience our planets natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.

In this episode: Venture into the deep, dark and desolate oceans that are home to an abundance of beautiful — and downright strange — creatures.

For more about the High Seas please visit www.ourplanet.com/en/video/how-to-save-our-high-seas

Download free educational resources at www.ourplanet.com/en/schools-and-youth

US Rating: TV-PG. Parental guidance suggested.

SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/29qBUt7

About Netflix:
Netflix is the worlds leading streaming entertainment service with over 167 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.

Our Planet | High Seas | FULL EPISODE | Netflix

Two Years Alone in the Wilderness | Escape the City to Build Off Grid Log Cabin

#logcabin #bushcraft #offgrid #survival
One man leaves the city life behind to build a cheap off grid log cabin and homestead in the Canadian wilderness, including a log home, an outdoor kitchen, an outhouse, a woodshed and a sauna bathhouse. Building mostly with hand tools, Shawn James harvests building materials from the forests north of Toronto, Canada and crafts them into functional tools and shelters using traditional woodworking tools and methods. He practices bushcraft and survival skills every day, including fire starting, tree identification and harvesting, wild edible foraging, fishing, hunting, camping in the summer and winter, travelling by canoe and snowshoe, navigation and water collection and purification.
Continue watching in 2019 as Shawn finishes the sauna, plants a forest garden for fruit and vegetables, builds an underground root cellar, ice house and cheese cave, a timber frame workshop and a remote hunt camp closer to fish and game.
“Home”, by Simon-Alexander

Thanks for watching! New videos every FRIDAY. Please subscribe.

My Other Channel: Shawn James bit.ly/2xzZHpB

T-SHIRTS: teespring.com/stores/my-self-reliance

Watch the ENTIRE cabin and Forest Kitchen SERIES here:

HOW TO BUILD A LOG CABIN: bit.ly/2nbof06
SEASON 2 — The Interior: bit.ly/2CIjPqr
SEASON 3 — The Sauna/Bathhouse: bit.ly/2AskJWP

THE FOREST KITCHEN, Building It: bit.ly/2M3syZE
SEASON 2 — Outdoor Cooking: bit.ly/2CFgQPQ

To see what I’m up to during the rest of the week, please follow me on my other online channels;

Website: myselfreliance.com/
Facebook – www.facebook.com/MySelfReliance/
Instagram – www.instagram.com/myselfreliance/

My Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 20042
Barrie, Ontario
L4M 6E9

My tools, Clothing

Мост в Гонконге | Гигантские стройки | Discovery

Гонконг — самый населенный город на планете. Плотность населения в три раза выше, чем в Нью Йорке. Более 7 миллионов жителей теснятся на площади всего 260 кв.километров. Много людей — много машин, и это создает огромные пробки на дорогах. Дорога из центра в аэропорт самая загруженная. Строительство самого длинного подвесного моста должно помочь решению транспортных проблем мегаполиса.
Смотрите в шоу «Гигантские стройки» на канале Discovery!

Заходите на наш сайт: clc.am/DiscoveryChannel.ru

Подписывайтесь на наши соцсети:
Telegram: clc.am/Discovery_Telegram
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Facebook: clc.am/Discovery_Facebook
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Яндекс.Дзен: clc.am/Discovery_Yandex.Zen

По обе стороны экватора.Пятая серия. Фильм 5 кругосветки "МИР НАШ".

Кродилы пожирают зебр, гепарды просятся залезть под машину.
За первые три часа мы увидели диких животных больше чем за всю жизнь. Три дня в парке Масай и Мара (Кения)

Из доброго десятка нацпарков Кении мы выбрали самое лучше. Эмоции нас захлестнули! За первые три часа, мы увидели животных больше, чем за всю свою жизнь: слоны, бегемоты, крокодилы, львы, зебры, гепарды, жирафы, гиены и все это прямо перед тобой. Посмотрите, не пожалеете)
В сегодняшней серии:
• Вместе с проводником едем в глубь парка, там животных без счета
• Зебры мигрируют через реку, а там их поджидают голодные крокодилы…
• Львица атакует зебр
• Елена специалист по гепардам показывает нам семейство этих прекрасных котиков. Умилительные картинки котят, которые идут к нам под машину
• Пир гепардов прерывает машина для убийств: приходит гиена
• К нам приехала новая машина из России, прямо в Кению)
• Ночью в лагере лучше из палатки не выходить
• Мы в Уганде!

Внимание! С 7:45 до 8:15 сцена поедания зебры крокодилами. Не показывайте детям, и если вы не готовы сами это видеть, то промотайте.

Хочешь с нами в кругосветное путешествие или есть вопросы, свяжись с нами

✅Наш сайт: mirnash.kamerzanov.su/
✅ Наш канал YouTube где все наши кругосветные маршруты: www.youtube.com/channel/UC3p9sxyTekn3UoI0keyG_ew?view_as=subscriber
✅ Instagram: www.instagram.com/kamerzanov/#
✅ Facebook: www.facebook.com/kamerzanov
✅ VK: vk.com/kamerzanov

#автопутешествие #кругосветка #кругосветканаавто #камерзанов #kamerzanov #mirnash #мирнаш #жжомпоафрике

LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K)

Soundtrack: bit.ly/3lo7cnH Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/melodysheep

What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This experience takes you on a tour through the possible forms alien life might take, from the eerily familiar to the utterly exotic, ranging from the inside of the Earth to the most hostile corners of the universe.

New research is upending our idea of life and where it could be hiding: not just on Earth-like planets, where beings could mimic what our planet has produced, but in far flung places like the hearts of dead stars and the rings of gas giant planets. Nowhere in the universe is off limits.

Only when we know what else is out there will we truly know ourselves. This thought experiment will give us a glimpse into what could be out there, how we might find it, and just how far nature’s imagination might stretch.

Big thanks to Protocol Labs for their continued support of this series: protocol.ai.

Concept, visuals, and score by melodysheep, aka John D. Boswell. Narrated by Will Crowley. Additional visuals by Lynn Huberty, Tim Stupak, NASA, and Evolve. Featuring soundbites from Nick Lane, Jonathan Losos, Caleb Scharf, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Chris Crowe, Jack Cohen, and Jill Tarter.

Featuring clips from Lynn Huberty’s amazing film “SHYAMA”: bit.ly/3d6xtUF

Thanks especially to:
Lynn Huberty
Juan Benet
Rowdy Jansen
Eddy Adams: www.eddyadams.com
Kimi Ushida: eff.org
Gregory Cohen: www.designfirebrand.com
Eric Capuano: reconinfosec.com
John Maier
Ali Aljumayd: www.instagram.com/iallawy
Caleb Levesque
Eric Malette
Brandon Sanders
Tim Stupak

And to all my supporters on Patreon: Ada Cerna, Adam Orand, Ajish Balakrishnan, Aksel Tjønn, Ali Akın Kurnaz, Andrew Edwards, Andrew Valenti, Antoine C, Antoni Simelio, Augustas Babelis, Bhisham Mahtani, Bradley Gallant, Brant Stokes, Daniel Saltzman, Caleb Levesque, Case K., Cheshire 2e du nom, Chinmay Kumar, Chris Wilken, Christian Oehne, Christina Winikoff, Christopher Heald, Chung Tran, Colin Glover, Corentin Kerisit, Cozza38, Crystal, Dan Alvesved, Danaos Christopoulos, Dave LeCompte, Davee Hallinan, David Lyneham, david p boswell, David Southpaw, denise frey, Derick Yan, Dexter, dixon1829, Don Loristo, Dylan Webb, Eico Neumann, Eyubed Balcha, Ezri Dax, Gaétan Marras, Gary Wei, geekiskhan, Genesplicer, Giulia C., Håkon A. Hjortland, Hans Husurianto, Henry R. Seymour, Heribert Breidsamer, ilkercan Kaya, Iota Katari, is8ac, Jackie Pham, James OConnor, Jayson Hale, Jean Neyrial, Jessica Turner, Jimpy, JM_Borg, Jordan Swickard, Jose Contreras, Joshua Oram, JousterL, Julian Büttner, Julio Hernández Camero, kaynen brown, Kristin

Top 100 Places To Visit In Europe

Europe has to be the most beautiful place in the world! From the countless medieval cities, to the jaw dropping landscapes of the Alps, Europe has it all! Ive spent the last few years traveling Europe and I want to show you my favorite places! This video was months in the making and im so excited to finally share it with you! Where is your favorite place in Europe?

My second channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC95bEkaIgwhxSjSsdMFXYGg


0:36 — Seceda

Our Planet | Jungles | FULL EPISODE | Netflix

Experience our planets natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.

In this episode: Jungles and rainforests are home to an incredible variety of species like preening birds, intelligent orangutans and remarkably ambitious ants.

For more about Jungles, please visit www.ourplanet.com/en/video/how-to-save-our-jungles

Download free educational resources at www.ourplanet.com/en/schools-and-youth

US Rating: TV-PG. Parental guidance suggested.

SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/29qBUt7

About Netflix:
Netflix is the worlds leading streaming entertainment service with over 167 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.

Our Planet | Jungles | FULL EPISODE | Netflix