
St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: "Er sprach. Gehet hin in die Stadt"

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St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: «Er sprach. Gehet hin in die Stadt» · Nikolaus Harnoncourt · Karl Ridderbusch · Kurt Equiluz

Bach: St Matthew Passion, BWV 244


Orchestra: Concentus Musicus Wien
Bass Vocals: Karl Ridderbusch
Tenor Vocals: Kurt Equiluz
Conductor: Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach

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Air - Johann Sebastian Bach

Das «Air» von Johann Sebastian Bach aus der 3. Suite für Orchester (D-Dur; BWV 1068), 2. Satz. Einfach zurücklehnen, ins Grüne schauen und genießen.

The «Air» by Johann Sebastian Bach from the 3rd orchestral suite (D minor; BWV 1068), 2nd movement. Just lean back, look into the green and enjoy.

Photo 2005 by Nebelwarner: Forest at the «Venner Moor» near the city of Senden (German state North Rhine-Westphalia).

Bach - Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 Presentation (recording of the Century : Otto Klemperer)

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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) — St. Matthew Passion BWV244.
Oratorio in two parts for soloists, double choir and orchestra.
*Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation* (00:00-07:26)
Part one
Kommt, Ihr Töchter, Helft Mir Klagen (00:00)
Da Jesus Diese Rede Vollendet Hatte (11:45)
Herzliebster Jesu, Was Hast Du Verbrochen (12:40)
Da Versammleten Sich Die Hohenpriester (14:09)
Ja Nicht Auf Das Fest (14:42) — Da Nun Jesus (15:00)
Wozu Dienet Dieser Unrat (15:41) — Da Das Jesus Merkete (16:17)
Du Lieber Heiland Du (18:10) — Buss Und Reu (19:15)
Da Ging Hin Der Zwölfen Einer (24:06) — Blute Nur, Du Liebes Herz (24:51)
Aber Am Ersten Tag Der Süssen Brot (30:05) — Wo Willst Du (30:19)
Er Sprach_ Gehet Hin (30:44) — Ich Bins, Ich Sollte Büssen (32:47)
Er Antwortete Und Sprach_ Der Mit Der Hand Mit Mir (34:21)
Wiewohl Mein Herz (38:19) — Ich Will Dir Mein Herze Schenken (39:50)
Und Da Sie Den Lobgesang (43:54) — Erkenne Mich, Mein Huter (45:18)
Petrus Aber Antwortete (47:10) — Ich Will Hier (48:29)
Da Kam Jesus (50:22) — O Schmerz! (52:29)
Ich Will Bei Meinem Jesu (55:35) — Und Ging Hin Ein Wenig (1:01:50)
Der Heiland Fällt (1:02:43) — Gerne Will Ich Mich Bequemen (1:04:05)
Und Er Kam Zu Seinen Jüngern (1:10:41)
Was Mein Gott Will (1:12:16) — Und Er Kam (1:14:20)
So Ist Mein Jesus Nun Gefangen (1:17:25)
Und Siehe, Einer Aus Denen (1:23:25)
O Mensch, Bewein Dein Sunde Groß (1:26:11)

Part two
Ach, Nun Ist Mein Jesus Hin (1:37:24) — Die Aber Jesum Gegriffen (1:42:53)
Mir Hat Die Welt (1:44:03) — Und Wiewohl Viel Falsche Zeugen Herzutraten (1:45:32)
Mein Jesus Schweigt (1:46:57) — Geduld, Wenn Mich Falsche Zungen Stechen (1:47:58)
Und Der Hohepriester (1:52:53) — Da Speieten Sie (1:54:55)
Wer Hat Dich So Geschlagen (1:55:43) — Petrus Aber Saß Draußen Im Palast (1:57:19)
Da Hub Er An, Sich Zu Verfluchen (1:58:43) — Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott (2:00:15)
Bin Ich Gleich Von Dir Gewichen (2:07:38) — Des Morgens Aber (2:09:16)
Und Er Warf Die Silberlinge (2:10:33) — Gebt Mir Meinen Jesum Wieder! (2:11:27)
Sie Hielten Aber Einen Rat (2:15:39) — Befiehl Du Deine Wege (2:18:33)
Auf Das Fest Aber Hatte (2:20:12) — Wie Wunderbarlich (2:23:02)
Der Landpfleger Sagte (2:24:26) — Er Hat Uns Allen Wohlgetan (2:24:40)
Aus Liebe Will Mein Heiland Sterben (2:26:00) — Sie Schrieen Aber Noch Mehr (2:30:45)
Erbarm Es Gott! (2:33:24) — Können Tränen Meiner Wangen (2:34:50)
Da Nahmen Die Kriegsknechte (2:44:30) — O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (2:45:44)
Und da sie ihn verspottet (2:49:01) — Ja! Freilich Will In Uns Das Fleisch Und Blut (2:50:10)
Komm, süßes Kreuz (2:50:53) — Und da sie an die Stätte (2:57:32)
Desgleichen schmähten ihn (3:01:57) — Ach, Golgatha (3:02:15)
Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand (3:03:50) — Und von der sechsten Stunde (3:08:28)
Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden (3:11:21) — Und Siehe Da (3:13:41)
Am Abend, Da Es Kühle War (3:16:46) — Mache dich, mein Herze, rein (3:19:22)
Und Joseph nahm den Leib (3:29:42) — Nun ist der Herr (3:33:05)
Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder (3:35:25)

Sopran: Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Alt: Christa Ludwig
Tenor: Peter Pears / Nicolai Gedda
Bariton: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Bass: Walter Berry
Philarmonia Choir and Boys of Hampstead Parish Church Choir
Wilhelm Pitz ( Choir Master / Chef de Choeur)
Recorded in 1961
Find CMRRs recordings on Spotify: spoti.fi/3016eVr

Nous savons que Bach ne dut pas être très satisfait de la manière dont fut exécutée sa plus grande oeuvre ce Vendredi Saint 1729; son memorandum nous le dit de façon très nette. Nous savons également que les musiciens de maintenant jouent dune manière tout à fait différente de celle de leurs collègues du XVII e siècle: nos instruments sont fabriqués, ajustés et joués tout à fait autrement; même nos chanteurs amateurs utilisent une autre technique vocale; et nous sommes tous aujourdhui très éloignés des méthodes dinterprétation entièrement spontanées des Leipzigois de Bach.

Nous ne pouvons espérer — et nous ne le voudrions pas dailleurs — exécuter la Passion selon Saint Matthieu comme elle fut entendue par les Leipzigois en 1729; nous pouvons seulement essayer de rendre la musique aussi proche que possible, après recherche et étude attentives, de ce que nous pensons être le voeu de Bach.

Johann Sebastian Bach PLAYLIST (reference recordings): www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3UZpQL9LIxOLRwxl1dEfDrH3c8mX5UB1

Telemann Edition, Vol.1

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Composer: Georg Philipp Telemann
Artists: various

About this Album:
Born in 1681, Georg Philip Telemann would inevitably suffer from comparisons with one of the towering figures of western Classical music, born just four years later: Johann Sebastian Bach. Although after his death Telemann may have been constantly cast into the Leipzig composer’s shadow, during his lifetime he was exalted as Bach’s equal and was considered one of the greatest German composers of the early 18th century. Certainly, the size of his output compares very favourably with Bach’s; Telemann was also a highly productive composer, writing over 3,000 works during his lifetime (although not all have survived). Despite his popularity falling away in the 19th century, today Telemann is almost as highly regarded as he was in his own lifetime – the large number of new recordings on this edition pays tribute to the flurry of interest that has grown around the composer Telemann over the past 30 years. After starting his career in Leipzig, Telemann became Kapellmeister in Sorau (now Żary in Poland), where by his own estimation he wrote over 200 overtures, imbued with the Polish and French influences of the court that surrounded him. The cornerstone of his output, many of these diverse overtures make up a large part of this disc. Telemann then moved first to Eisenach, in central Germany, followed by Frankfurt, his fame steadily increasing along with his output. Among his new compositions were church cantatas, psalms and other sacred works, as well as instrumental music; he became known for his concertos in the French style, which he valued above the Italian style that was more popular at the time. It was in Frankfurt that he began to write concertos for various different instruments, many of which are to be found in this edition.

Bach - Mass in B minor (Proms 2012)

Prom 26: Bach — Mass in B minor
Johann Sebastian Bach — Mass in B minor

Joélle Harvey soprano
Carolyn Sampson soprano
Iestyn Davies counter-tenor
Ed Lyon tenor
Matthew Rose bass

Choir of the English Concert
The English Concert
Harry Bicket conductor

Royal Albert Hall
2 August 2012

0:00:07 — Kyrie eleison
0:10:33 — Christe eleison
0:15:20 — Kyrie eleison
0:19:06 — Gloria in excelsis Deo
0:25:35 — Laudamus te
0:29:40 — Gratias agimus tibi

Bach: St. Matthew Passion (Karajan)

Gundula Janowitz
Christa Ludwig
Peter Schreier
Horst Laubenthal
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Walter Berry
Anton Diakov
Herbert Von Karajan: Berliner Philharmoniker; Wiener Singverein
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Bach - St. Matthew Passion (Cambridge, 1994)

From the Kings College Chapel in Cambridge
Rogers Covey-Crump — tenor (Evangelist)
Michael George — bass (Jesus)
Emma Kirkby — soprano
Michael Chance — alto
Martyn Hill — tenor
David Thomas — bass
The Choir of Kings College Cambridge
The Choir of Jesus College Cambridge (Soprano in ripieno)
The Brandenburg Consort (Roy Goodman — leader)
Stephen Cleobury — conductor

1:00 Part One

1. Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen – O Lamm Gottes unschuldig (Chorus I

Goldberg Variations Complete (J.S. Bach BWV 988), with score, Kimiko Ishizaka piano

Download the Goldberg Variations (mp3, wav): kimikoishizaka.bandcamp.com/album/j-s-bach-open-goldberg-variations-bwv-988-piano
Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, The English Patient, Captain Fantastic, Before Sunrise, and Solaris are just a few films to have featured Bachs Goldberg Variations.

«Counterpoint passes back and forth between the hands in a conversational and judiciously balanced manner, while a strong lyrical inlpulse informs the cross-handed variations rapid, bravura passages (Vars 5 and 19, for example). Ishizakas restrained and concentrated way with slow minor-key variations (Vars 15,21 and 25) lets the musics agonising harmonic tension speak softly for itself.»
— Jed Distler, Gramophone Magazine

«She has the fleet fingers to speed through the virtuoso variations with compelling clarity and the sensitivity to probe the dramatic potential of the slower, more profound numbers, pleasurably aided by her consistently lovely tone.»
— Robert Schulslaper, Issue 36:1 (Sept/Oct 2012), Fanfare Magazine

«The sound quality of the recording is top notch»
«In fact, the albums an audiophile gem.»
— Reviewed by Christopher Lim in The Business Times, July 20, 2012.

J.S. Bachs «Goldberg Variations», BWV 988, recorded by Kimiko Ishizaka on a Bösendorfer grand piano, with score following provided by the iPad app from MuseScore. For more information on this project, see www.opengoldbergvariations.org

0:00 Aria
5:00 Variation 1
6:57 Variation 2
9:03 Variation 3
11:00 Variation 4
12:10 Variation 5
13:44 Variation 6
15:22 Variation 7
17:35 Variation 8
19:31 Variation 9
21:38 Variation 10
23:24 Variation 11
25:33 Variation 12
27:49 Variation 13
32:04 Variation 14
34:20 Variation 15
38:54 Variation 16 «Ouverture»
42:03 Variation 17
43:47 Variation 18
45:37 Variation 19
47:03 Variation 20
49:08 Variation 21
53:02 Variation 22
54:36 Variation 23
56:55 Variation 24
59:41 Variation 25 («Black Pearl» — slideshow)
1:09:01 Variation 26
1:11:03 Variation 27
1:12:55 Variation 28
1:15:20 Variation 29
1:17:30 Variation 30 «Quodlibet»
1:19:32 Aria da Capo

New album from Kimiko Ishizaka featuring her own compositions: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeWVBqJrTS7fVZoVreWC0LN3G2EePa2op

Die Goldberg-Variationen | 哥德堡变奏曲 | ゴルトベルク変奏曲 | 골트베르크 변주곡 | Вариации Гольдберга